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Irritable Bowel Syndrome:
Living with Irritable bowel syndrome can be very frustrating, uncomfortable and discouraging. IBS can make doing everyday things even more difficult and bring more challenges ahead in your day-to-day life. However, if you plan ahead and prepare for your defiance’s that day, you can better handle your symptoms when they occur. Here are a few tips on how to survive a day in the life of a person diagnoses with IBS:

               Sometimes people who suffer with IBS have so much stress that they avoid leaving their homes in fear of not being able to find the nearest bathrooms. In the case of having an IBS flare up while being out of the house, it’s best to plan and map out the closest bathrooms or make note if your destination has a bathroom available for your short or long trip(s) away from home. Your travel should go a lot smoother should a triggered situation arise.

               I know what you’re thinking, it’s almost impossible to relax with IBS. However, studies have shown that mindful techniques such as yoga, mindful meditation and muscle relaxation can help with any triggered sensations of IBS. Low to moderate exercises daily could also promote a form of stress relief and relaxation as well. Discuss this with your doctor if you have any questions.

               Watch what you eat. Try to avoid foods that could trigger your IBS such as certain Fruits with excess fructose: apples, apricots, mangos, prunes, Lactose: milk, ice cream, yogurt, butter, cheeses, certain Vegetables & Legumes: broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, garlic, onion, beans, chickpeas, lentils and Grains: bread, crackers and cakes.
               There is no one diet for IBS sufferers as everyone may handle food intake, digestion and reactions differently than others. Look up the FODMAP diet if you are unsure what to follow and do what works for you initially, if you are having any issues talk to you doctor or a nutritionist.

               Always have your medication handy and take it as needed prior to any commitments. A common medication for IBS is loperamide hydrochloride, better known as Imodium. If you’re finding that Imodium isn’t cutting it and helping to subside your IBS symptoms, talk to your doctor about your list of symptoms and ask about these medications available through our pharmacy connections: Xifaxin, Amitiza and Linzess.

Check out our online products and pricing page to search for our top brands and generics on the medications listed above at our most affordable and competitive rates: https://canadarxconnection.com/products.php

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