Prescription Take Back Day Q&A's

What is it?
The goal of National Prescription Drug Take Back Day is to educate people on ways to safely and conveniently dispose of prescription drugs.
Why do we have this day?
This day is held to educate the general public about the potential abuse of medications and to promote safe disposal of prescription drugs.
What can I do to participate?
You can participate by taking any unused prescription medications from home and dropping them off at a nearby, year-round drug disposal site. To find a place near you click the link below:
What kind of unused medicines should I turn in?
Some prescription medications are illegal due to its affects on your body and these are usually the ones that should be turned in to the disposal sites. Other medications are typically ones that are expired which if ingested can potentially lead to accidental illness and could harm the environment if disposed improperly.
To find out more on drug types and its dangers click the link below:
Resources: Disposal Flier (October 2018).pdf