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Top 10 tips on how to protect yourself and others from COVID-19

Top 10 tips on how to protect yourself and others from COVID-19

As COVID-19 and other variants of the virus are current, here are some tips to help protect those who are unvaccinated, as well as all other people around in general.

1. Get vaccinated:

In order to continue to protect those closest to you such as your friends, family, children, anyone with underlying medical conditions or weakened immune systems and unvaccinated people, it is advised to get vaccinated. If you are vaccinated it can also help protect you from the COVID-19 virus and its serious affect on your health as well as death if contracted.
For more information on the benefits of being vaccinated please check out this link from the CDC: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/vaccine-benefits.html

2. Wear a mask:

It is highly recommended that if you are not vaccinated or if you are within a large crowd indoors to wear a mask. If you are in close contact with at risk people and children ages 2 and up, it is advised to wear a mask. The only time where you would not need to wear a mask ideally, is in an outdoor setting.

3. Wash and sanitize your hands:

Wash your hands with antibacterial soap for 20 seconds at a time, especially if you are out in public and exposed to surfaces that are touched by multiple users/people. Try to restrain from touching your face if your hands are not washed or if you have not used a sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.

4. Disinfect surfaces:

Use proper disinfectants to clean commonly touched surfaces in your household, friends or family members homes, at work  and inside your car. Doing this often is ideal to prevent the spread of the virus, especially if anyone in an area is sick or is confirmed ill with covid. Another commonly used surface you should clean and disinfect often is on your cell phone. Here's how you can identify which cleaning products are confirmed as a COVID-19 killing disinfectant: https://www.epa.gov/coronavirus/about-list-n-disinfectants-coronavirus-covid-19-0

5. Keep your distance from others:

The safest distance to remain apart from one another is at least 6 feet apart from groups that are not part of your household if you are outside of your home in a public, indoor/outdoor space. However, the 6 foot rule applies to household members if they are known to be sick, as well as those who are not from the same household. At this point, it is best to keep your distance to prevent the chances of spreading of the virus.

6. Coughing & sneezing etiquette:

Think of the most traditional way of coughing and sneezing to prevent your germs spraying and spreading all  over the place, but nowadays you have some assistance from a facial mask. When you are sneezing with your mask on feel free to cough/sneeze into your mask, but remember to dispose and change your mask as soon as possible and follow tip #3. and wash or sanitize your hands accordingly. If you do not have a mask on, try to sneeze in a facial tissue, or into your elbow then resume to tip #3. It's that simple.

7. Get rest:

It is scientifically proven that sleep helps build your immune system if you are well rested. It may not prevent the virus but it is a natural way to help reduce your risk of contracting the virus if you have a stronger immune system as those who are immune compromised are more likely to be exposed to the virus.

8. Stay home:

If you are experiencing any signs of illness or symptoms related to COVID-19, remain at home. If you are unsure when to seek medical attention please see link on symptoms that may appear within 2-14 days after being exposed to the virus and when to seek medical attention: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/symptoms-testing/symptoms.html

9. Get your flu shot:

It's best to stay on top of your seasonal flu shots to help prevent any other related illnesses that may lead to COVID-19. Practicing maintaining a full bill of health will help protect others by stopping the spread of flu like symptoms.

10. Take care of your mental health:

It can be very difficult during this time to take time to take care of your mind. Especially with the nonstop media coverage on the topic of COVID-19 and just the uncertainty of the overall pandemic. It seems since the pandemic began there's been an increase in depression and anxiety issues so it is advised to take some time to shut down all social media, television, news etc. and practice a healthier lifestyle for your mind, whether that be meditation, physical activity, spending time in nature, or talking to your loved ones for support. Take a break for your mental health, because it is so important. If you don't you could potentially become ill.

For tips on managing your stress during COVID-19 check out our earlier blog entries that may help you: tips-on-looking-after-yourself-managing-covid-19-stress

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