5 Ways you can prepare for Flu season
It's flu season! This means it's time to start practicing flu prevention. No one likes to fall ill, especially during the holidays whether it's with the common cold or even worse, becoming sick with the flu. Here are some tips on how to stay healthy throughout the flu season and protect yourself from the influenza.
1. Get your flu shot
The best way to prevent yourself from getting the flu is getting the flu shot. It's not only the safest way, but it is the most effective. Anyone is legible for the flu shot, as long they're of 6 months of age and older. The flu shot will help with preventing you from becoming sick with the flu, as wells protect yourself and others from exposure to the virus.
You can book your flu shot through your local pharmacy or doctors office.
3. Practice cleanliness and sanitizing
Cleaning and disinfecting commonly touched and possible contaminated multi-surfaces and areas is a great way to help reduce the spread of the virus. Practicing proper hygiene such as bathing, brushing your teeth daily and frequent hand washing an alcohol based soap or use of hand sanitizer while out of the house, can also add to flu prevention etiquette.
4. Keep your distance
This one is a no brainer. If you are sick, or experiencing pre-symptoms of the flu you should stay home. Again, this helps in the spread of the virus and also minimalizes contamination of areas or places you are in.
5. Boost your immune system
In addition to the flu shot it is best to practice a healthier lifestyle as the flu shot alone does not make you more resistant to colds and other flu related illness, what it actually does is boosts your immune response to the influenza virus. So when you add certain "natural" immune boosting practices such as, getting enough sleep, eating healthy, nutritional foods filled with vitamins and antioxidants, exercising or staying physically active and managing your stress levels, this will all help in reducing the risks of getting sick by working alongside the flu shot for that extra boost your immune system needs during the flu season.